We at dmitsoftware.in believe in the fact that merely purchasing Midbrain / DMIT Franchise or Midbrain / DMIT Software is not sufficient for you to run the business. An experienced mentor or guide can definitely help you grow leaps and bounds. Our team has been catering to retail clients since 2008, with collective team experience of more than 1 Lac DMIT reports and counselling across various target segments including Career Counselling, Behaviour Counselling, Corporate Counselling and Relationship Counselling. Added to this, just imagine if you get plug and play model to run your business with everything ready in your own brand – SEO Friendly Website, Brochure, Social Media Creatives & Pages and a lot more. The icing on the cake is that our team comes from top notch institutes of the country and have intent, vision and ability to help you establish your business through our excellent After Sales Support.
In the world, where everyone claims to be the best, it is really tough to believe in someone and decide who is the best. Besides the fact that we have been successfully running DMIT business in retail (B2C) till date, our highly educated management team which includes Psychologists, Software Engineers and Marketing Professionals, our existing satisfied clients who have achieved success in DMIT business with our support and our Reviews on Google, Social Media and Quora are evidence to the fact that we are always available to support our existing clients and have the necessary technical expertise to make them stand out of crowd.
Be it Mobile App based Software, Touchless Fingerprint Scanning, Arch DMIT Software, Customized DMIT Reports, 9 MI / 30 Fingerprint Pattern Type / 16 Indicator based DMIT Software, Multiple Report Formats and Languages including Career Counselling Software, Corporate Counselling Software, Relationship/Compatibility Software, Time based Franchise Management System for Midbrain Activation Music, Adult Midbrain Activation, Digital Marketing support including SEO/SMO, Website Development, Animated Videos and Social Media banners and Creatives in your brand, we have been pioneers in providing support to our clients.
Over the years, we have burnt our hands to gain experience on how this business can be a success. We share our experience so that you can learn from our mistakes. Today also, our team is rated as Best DMIT based career counsellor in India and we are running Midbrain Activation workshops at our various centers in India as well as online workshops for overseas clients. We provide step by step handholding DMIT Training to run this business and also associate with you as a business partner in your city to execute business on our behalf in your area. Hence, we create a win-win situation and partner mutually with you for life.
Mindgroom is a registered Brandmark, ISO certified and trusted by millions across the Globe. There are thousands of clients who have given us excellent rating on Google, Quora & Social Media.
We have physical offices at 100+ locations across the country and a wide network in many countries. Our associates across these cities offer the best-in-class services and are supported by our research and training team.
We provide most accurate and reliable solutions to our clients. The assessments used to identify the potential and interests of individual are accurate to the tune of 95%. The best part is our team delivers what we commit and that also on time.
DMIT Software stands for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test Software and is used to determine Inborn intelligence of an individual through fingerprints. DMIT Software is an application software used to generate DMIT Reports. DMIT Software has been developed on algorithm which is based on research conducted on lakhs of individuals across the globe.
DMIT Software is an application or tool, which is used to generate DMIT reports. DMIT Software is a research-based tool which has been developed over the years by analysing pattern types present on tips of the fingers of palm.
The accuracy of DMIT Software is the most important factor, which can drive your business. In addition, you may also choose to customize you DMIT Software on various parameters including front-end design, functionality, parameters and also based on various target segments you are catering including Career Counselling, Behaviour Counselling, Corporate Counselling Relationship Counselling.
Career Counselling DMIT Software
The main application of DMIT tool is for the purpose of Career Counselling. We have experienced that clients feel more connected with their DMIT report when they see the relevant stuff, which helps them arrive at a conclusion. Our Career Counselling DMIT report displays the related parameters including all possible career options which are prevalent.
Corporate Counselling DMIT Software
We have tied up with various corporates where hiring is being done at senior management level based on results of their DMIT Assessment and counselling by our experts. Whether its is about finding the right candidate for a particular role or assigning the right task to existing employees, Corporate Counselling DMIT Software can be an excellent tool.
Relationship DMIT Software
We also provide Compatibility Version of DMIT Software which can be used as a tool for relationship counselling. In this report, the format is such that a single report and hence every single page in that report displays the parameters about two different individuals. It has proven to be quite useful for the couples to understand each other.
Arch Based DMIT Software
There are certain pattern types on our fingers in which there are no delta points and hence can’t be quantified with certainty. These pattern types are known as Arch patterns. We have come up with a solution where in our DMIT Software generates report even for Arch patterns and that too with above 95% accuracy.
Individual DMIT Software
If you wish to cater to people looking for Individual counselling or behaviour counselling, this version of our DMIT Software is quite useful. It focuses on individual roadblocks and growth areas and provides a comprehensive lifetime report including various parameters like Personality, SWOT, RIASEC etc. Even you can get it customized.
Advanced DMIT Software
Advanced DMIT Software comes with 30 Fingerprint pattern types. The accuracy of the Advanced DMIT Software is more than 95% and due to its varied fingerprint patterns, user is able to get highly reliable and accurate result of DMIT Software. You also get an option of 9 MI and 16 Indicator Types of DMIT reports and its various segements.
Customize DMIT Report
Get Customized DMIT report in your own brand, colour scheme, functionality, parameters and lot more. We can design both front-end and back end of your report format. Front-End customization includes design, UI modification, Colour changes, Image changes and Brand management. In addition, since we have a team pf Psychologists, researchers and Software developers, we use our experience of handling clients in retail to introduce new functionalities in your DMIT report as per your requirement.
Get DMIT Algo Customized
Customization of DMIT algorithm is another possibility, which you can’t ignore. Once you are into this business, you realize that the output values you get in form of a DMIT report are not fixed. You can customize the results as per demographic profile in your area, your experience and your take on the results of assessment. In addition, once you introduce new functionalities and theories, you need can make changes not only in front-end, but in back-end algorithm
Purchase DMIT Algorithm
Are you a Researcher in the field of Dermatoglyphics? You can purchase DMIT Algorithm from us and know the backend calculations and algorithm how each value is arrived at in DMIT report. This can be used further to modify the calculations as per your research and you can strive to achieve more and more accuracy as per your experience. Get complete insights into DMIT Software and report through this product.
DMIT Counselling Services
Running the business of DMIT requires not only report generation but the important part is counselling. DMIT Counselling is an art and not as easy to learn as it appears to be. We train you as a counsellor for behaviour counselling, career counselling, individual counselling and relationship counselling through DMIT as a tool.
DMIT Presentation Services
Are you looking forward to market the DMIT product in various Institutes, Corporates, Parents and Schools? You need not work on preparing the presentation for various segments starting from scratch. We give you power point presentations, animated videos, social media creatives etc. in your own brand such that everything is available to you in plug and play model. Our team also provides support to present on your behalf on revenue-sharing basis.
DMIT Report Generation
We have a dedicated team of certified fingerprint analysts who work in our inhouse DMIT Lab to generate thousands of DMIT reports every month. So, in case you get bulk order from Schools or Educational Institutes, you can simply relax by outsourcing the report generation part to our team. The best part is that we take full onus and responsibility for accuracy of the report.
Midbrain Activation is a technique to stimulate the midbrain and unleash the hidden potential of an individual. It is a tool which helps in increasing the concentration power of an individual by helping in use of both Left Brain and Right Brain simultaneously with the help of Brain Gym exercises so that an individual is able to do different activities with different hands and that too simultaneously. The power of Midbrain Activation is so high that it results in Blind-fold reading in kids as well as in adults.